Excape Main


We had to work in the Unity Engine because the objective of this course was making us familiar with The Unity Engine and C#.

My goal was ofcourse to have a full prototype around my two keywords, Dismember and Exile. Dismember zombies to escape your exile.

During the game you can use your laser to shoot at the zombies, if a limb of a zombie loses all of its health, it will be dismembered. However, whilest using the laser you also have to pay attention to your battery, using the laser drain battery and when empty a refill is needed. As a last resort, the axe can also be used to dismember zombies from a melee range.

  • Procedural spawning of enemies in waves, with increased difficulty per wave. Enemies will only spawn to the closest spawn points around you.
  • Limbs that have health and dissapear on 0HP.
  • A Laser gun that uses raycasts to calculate where it is shooting.
  • An axe that uses raycast to calculate if you hit a limb.
  • Pickups that allow you to increase health, ammo and open doors (using raycasts).
  • Sounds that play on certain events, aswel as music that plays throughout the game. Both can be turned up or down using the settings menu
  • HUD that shows ammo and health.